lunes, 20 de enero de 2020

Cancer & Carnivore Diet

Dr. Al Danenberg  Nutritional Periodontist
January 20, 2020 [printfriendly]

Cancer & Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore Diet has been a huge and beneficial dietary change for me. I was on a Paleo-type diet for the last 6 years, and a more stringent autoimmune Paleo-type diet since I was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer in 2018. I assumed I was “fat adapted” for a long time following these eating programs. Probably that’s why I didn’t have the potential “side effects”, which I knew could be a problem with the transition to a Carnivore Diet. One initial change I noticed was more frequent urination after I went to bed. Getting up to pee every hour or two while in a peaceful slumber is not my idea of restorative sleep. Not a big deal after all, and it didn’t last for long. Another change I noticed was softer but well-formed bowel movements. (Am I getting too descriptive here?).

My research has taken me a long way from where I was before I discovered the Carnivore Diet. For example, I learned that the necessary nutrients required to thrive are “predigested” by animals and reside in their muscle, fat, and organ tissues for us to consume. And these nutrients are free of the “antinutrients” associated with raw plants. In addition, I discovered that fiber was not a critical factor for healthy gut bacteria. Along with fermentable fiber, the gut microbiome can metabolize amino acids to manufacture the necessary short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are vital for healthy gut function. This table identifies the SCFAs created by the gut microbiome through the fermentation of specific amino acids in the gut.

My Ketosis

While on my previous Paleo-type eating program, I didn’t know if I ever entered a state of ketosis since I never tested for that. Ketosis was not my goal until now on the Carnivore Diet. I want to be in ketosis because this may help deprive cancer cells of glucose, which is a major source for the malignant cell’s energy production.

After 6 days from starting the Carnivore Diet, my urine ketone strips showed that I was in ketosis. To my dismay, I wasn’t in ketosis two days later – and didn’t know why. As I later learned, the “fat to protein” ratio that I was consuming was a major factor, and I was out of sync with the correct ratio. I also questioned if my malignancy and my other unconventional daily cancer protocols could have something to do with staying in ketosis. So, I did some research.

I contacted a couple of MDs whom I considered experts on the Carnivore Diet. Ultimately, I found the major cause of my problem with staying in ketosis. I was eating too much protein and not enough fat. My body was making glucose from excess protein (gluconeogenesis).

In fact, the body can operate on two sources of energy – those derived from fats and those coming from carbohydrates. However, the body has a tough time fueling itself from protein only. Therefore, I must ensure I have enough quality fat to maintain a state of ketosis. The ideal fat-to-protein macronutrient ratio for the average individual on a Carnivore Diet is about a 2:1 ratio in terms of calories. However, since 1 gram of fat is equal to 9 calories and 1 gram of protein is equal to 4 calories, the same ratio could be expressed as a 1:1 ratio in terms of grams. Because of my malignancy, my goal is to maintain at least a ratio of 2:1 in terms of grams to arrive at a blood ketone level high enough to potentially starve my malignant plasma cells.

In order to arrive at this ratio, I tweaked my eating. I included two tablespoons of MCT oil in my coffee in the morning along with my heavy cream. Also, I reduced the grams of protein I ate during the course of the day. After 2 days, I was in ketosis again – confirmed with the urine keto strips as well as the Keto-Mojo Blood Ketone and Glucose Meter. Based on the stage of my multiple myeloma and the importance of maintaining muscle mass, my research suggested that I should be eating about 80-100 grams of protein daily. That would require I eat at least 160-200 grams of fat a day. This level of protein and fat would equal about 1760-2200 calories. I’ll continue using Keto-Mojo Meter so that I can begin calculating my personal Glucose Ketone Index.

Here is another important fact especially for cancer patients. Stress and prescription steroids will increase insulin resistance and gluconeogenesis resulting in a significant spike in blood glucose levels. Many cancer patients are under stress and are taking dexamethasone or prednisone along with their conventional chemotherapy treatment. This spike could last for several days after taking the corticosteroids or reducing personal stress levels. The introduction of steroids in the bloodstream could also take an individual out of ketosis. Dexamethasone is a long-acting glucocorticoid with a half-life of 36 to 72 hours and is 6 times more potent than prednisone. Prednisone is shorter acting, with a half-life of 18 to 36 hours. The effects of these meds are easy to understand, but your stress levels are far more difficult to get under control. Be aware if you are dealing with emotional stress or are prescribed steroid medications.[1],[2]

Glucose Ketone Index (GKI)

The GKI is a tool that can help monitor the relationship of the major fermentable tumor fuel (glucose) to the non-fermentable fuel (ketone bodies). Drs. Joshua Meidenbauer, Purna Mukherjee, and Thomas Seyfried have suggested the GKI goal for cancer patients is between 1-2.[3] This represents a high blood ketone level. The ideal time for me to test my blood glucose and ketone levels is about 2-3 hours after eating.

The GKI formula is simply: Glucose Level ÷ 18 ÷ Ketone Level = Glucose Ketone Index
  • > 9 GKI means your body hasn’t transitioned into a fat-burning state.
  • 6-9 GKI demonstrates a low level of ketosis. This is appropriate for those who want to lose weight or maintain optimal health.
  • 3-6 GKI demonstrates moderate levels of ketosis. This is appropriate for addressing many common metabolic diseases, including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, or obesity.
  • 1-2 GKI is a high level of ketosis and appropriate for cancer patients.

Food Shopping

Shopping for my new eating program has been a breeze. Everything I need is located in isolated peripheral areas of my healthy grocery stores or from my local farmers’ market. When it comes to cost, properly raised animal products are more expensive than other foods. Yet I don’t need to buy any plant foods or processed foods. That makes a difference at the checkout register. And I have less grocery bags to carry.

As for organ meats, I continue to enjoy my homemade bone broth, chicken liver, oxtails and occasionally sweetbreads when they are available. But to assure I get my daily intake of essential nutrients, I take capsules of freeze-dried Bone Marrow[4] as well as Organ Complex[5] – both supplements are sourced from grass-feed cattle in New Zealand and are available from Enviromedica. The Organ Complex consists of desiccated heart, liver, kidney, and pancreas.

Overall Health Benefits

The Carnivore Diet provides a noteworthy benefit for the gut, the mouth, and the overall health of the body. Since there are no refined carbohydrates or sugars, this diet encourages a healthy mouth without tooth decay or periodontal disease.

The first beneficial effect of no carbs is the creation of a healthy balance of gut bacteria. The healthy gut bacteria are capable of creating important short chain fatty acids from available amino acids instead of plant fiber. A healthy gut encourages a healthy immune system with no chronic systemic inflammation. The mouth responds by maintaining a healthy balance of its own garden of bacteria with no competition from processed carbohydrates.

Bottom line – potentially excellent medical and dental visits. Maybe the Carnivore Diet could represent the best medical and dental insurance you could purchase. It’s worth looking into.

My Cancer Biomarkers

My cancer biomarkers have been improving significantly. But I can’t attribute these results to the Carnivore Diet. These biomarkers were improving dramatically after I started the human-derived immunotherapy infusions on November 12, 2019. However, I confidently can say that my increased energy level and fat loss, without any muscle-mass loss, are directly related to the Carnivore Diet. In addition, I have read several case reports of cancer patients who have experienced remission and healing of their cancers directly related to the Carnivore Diet. Those published results have encouraged me to continue with this way of eating.

Updated Personal Carnivore Diet

  • Intermittent fasting, which is part of my current diet – easier to do on an Animal-Based Diet because proteins and fats are more satiating
  • Pastured animal meats, their healthy fats, and organs (including skin, cartilage and collagenous parts)
  • Wild caught seafood – especially sardines with bone-in and skin-on, salmon, shrimp, mussels, and salmon roe
  • Butter and tallow from grass-fed and pastured cattle (both provide additional fat to improve my fat-to-protein ratio)
  • Triple-cream cheeses (examples: triple-cream brie and St. Nuage to provide high fat-to-protein ratio of 4:1 with no carbs)
  • Pastured chicken eggs
  • Homemade bone broth
  • Spices, sea salt, and herbs for flavor
  • Filtered water or natural spring water for drinking
  • Two cups of organic coffee with raw heavy cream and organic MCT oil in the morning (cream and MCT oil provide additional fat to improve my fat-to-protein ratio)
  • Freeze-dried Bone Marrow and Organ Complex – (supplements from Enviromedica)
  • 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt (for sodium and trace minerals) and 1/4 teaspoon of kelp granules (for iodine) added to a glass of water in the morning
  • Maintain ketosis and monitor GKI – (ideal GKI for cancer is between 1-2)

Where from Here?

I will continue the Carnivore Diet indefinitely and strive for a GKI between 1-2. As I said, I’ve learned that 2-3 hours after a meal is the ideal time to measure my glucose and ketone levels, which I will record at least 3-4 times a week.

My infusions of Darzalex (immunotherapy to specifically kill malignant plasma cells) require approximately 20 individual appointments at the Cancer Clinic. I have had 9 infusions so far, and I will continue until treatment is completed. I also will continue my monthly subcutaneous injections of XGEVA (targeted monoclonal antibody) to assist the strengthening of my skeleton.

I’m not waiting for double-blind human studies to be published by medical researchers who ultimately may tell me the Carnivore Diet is the ideal diet for cancer patients. If that day ever came, it would be at least 5-10 years from now. Individuals who have my prognosis have a lifespan measured in months – not years.

Let’s be serious! Waiting for science to prove what I am doing right now might never happen while I’m alive. In essence, I’m my own study of N=1, and I am more than OK with that. My attitude is excellent, and my goal always has been to maintain a quality of life for all of my remaining time on earth. I actively am making lasting memories for me, my wife, and my immediate family.

“Someone said that God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December.”
James Matthew Barrie,author of Peter Pan

viernes, 17 de enero de 2020

In shadow - A Modern Odyssey (Short Film)

Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of our modern times, and with courage face the Shadow. 

Through Shadow into Light. “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” -C.G. Jung

lunes, 6 de enero de 2020

Cancer & Carnivore Diet – My Experiment –

Dr. Al Danenberg  Nutritional Periodontist
January 6, 2020 

Cancer & Carnivore Diet

I am making a major change in my diet. As with my entire unconventional cancer journey, I continue to experiment and think “outside of the box”. My current research is suggesting that there are potential benefits to replacing my Paleo-type diet with the Carnivore Diet in my Daily Cancer Protocols. While there is no peer-reviewed published trials which I could find where the Carnivore Diet has been designed to treat cancer patients, there are anecdotal reports and case studies that are impressive. The Carnivore Diet is similar to a ketogenic diet but with all fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds removed.

A ketogenic diet reduces carbohydrates and increases healthy fats to a level where the body’s metabolism shifts away from burning carbs to burning fat and ketones for energy. The Carnivore Diet requires eating only wild-caught and pastured animals from nose-to-tail. Since the Carnivore Diet completely eliminates all plants, it importantly avoids the abundance of antinutrients (i.e. lectins and oxalates) found in plants.


Lectins are proteins, which plants produce to defend themselves against animals trying to eat them. Lectins will cause digestive upset, particularly when eaten raw. These proteins are found in roots, stems, leaves, and especially in the seeds of many plants.

After we eat lectins, they bind to the sugar portions of our intestinal wall where they interfere with digestion and nutrient uptake. However, after edible seeds are cooked using moist heat, some of the damaging effects of many lectins may be reduced. Yet, the danger of lectins is real.[1]


Oxalates, which are tiny molecules found in a variety of seeds, nuts and many vegetables, will bind minerals like calcium and form crystals. Oxalates also can cause kidney stones and are responsible for a wide variety of other health problems related to inflammation, autoimmunity, mitochondrial dysfunction, mineral balance, connective tissue integrity, urinary tract issues and poor gut function.

Sally K. Norton wrote an excellent article about the health hazards of oxalates.[2] Medical research also has shown that oxalates promote the transformation of normal breast cells into highly malignant and undifferentiated tumors.[3] Specifically, oxalates have been shown to damage mitochondria.[4] And mitochondrial dysfunction is a primary component in the development of cancer.[5]

My Research

In 2016, a case study was published of a 60-year old patient who had a malignant myoepithelial tumor of the soft palate. The patient refused conventional chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Instead, the patient started a paleolithic-ketogenic (paleo/keto) diet in December 2014. For the first six months, the patient followed a strict meat and fat only diet (Carnivore Diet). From July 2015 on, she was allowed to eat small amounts of vegetables less than two times a week. Surprisingly, the cancer progression was halted as evidenced by imaging follow-up. After 20 months and the conclusion of the case report, the patient had no symptoms or side effects from the originally diagnosed cancer.[6]

During my research, I also came upon another cancer patient. Andrew Scarborough was diagnosed with an aggressive and incurable brain tumor (Grade 3 Anaplastic Astrocytoma) at the age of 27. He elected to treat his cancer with a strict paleo/keto diet, which he modified into a strict Carnivore Diet. Two years after his diagnosis, his cancer was in remission. And his protocol and results are being studied by Hammersford Hospital in Australia.[7]

In a 2018 review of medical papers, the authors found a ketogenic diet reduced the production and growth of most cancer tumors. However, in some isolated types of cancer, a ketogenic diet apparently supported the growth of tumor cells.[8]

Mark Sisson[9] and Chris Kresser[10], two people for whom I have great respect, recently wrote about the pros and cons of the Carnivore Diet.

If you google “Carnivore Diet”, you’ll find many anecdotal reports on the Internet describing the benefits of this lifestyle change. For more in-depth discussions of the medical benefits of the Carnivore Diet, I recommend Dr. Paul Saladino’s website ( He is an MD who highly recommends and personally follows a strict Carnivore Diet.

My Experiment

So, I am connecting some of the medical dots that I am researching. I believe the benefits of a Carnivore Diet will assist my body’s challenge to heal from IgA Kappa Light Chain Multiple Myeloma. As you may recall, my original prognosis at the time of my diagnosis in September 2018 was that I could be dead by the end of 2018. I’ve surprised a lot of people!

Let me be very clear though. I am not recommending that cancer patients should be on the Carnivore Diet. I will experiment with it and will describe below exactly what I will be doing for my personal use. Again, there is no published proof that what I am including in my Unconventional Cancer Protocols is going to treat my cancer or anyone’s cancer. But all my research has proven to me that what you eat and what you eliminate from your diet are vital for overall health.

Potential Benefits of Carnivore Diet

  1. Restricts calories and mimics fasting: Protein is filling, so you eat less. Eating less reduces caloric intake. Reducing caloric intake will decrease insulin production, insulin-like growth factor, and growth hormone. Fasting (which restricts caloric intake for a period of time) triggers autophagy where old cells die and damaged cells repair. The end result is reduced inflammation as well as reduced symptoms of chronic and autoimmune diseases.
  2. Provides low residue in gut: This diet is basically protein and fat – all of which are absorbed in the upper part of the gut. So, there is little leftover residue to irritate or inflame the lower portions of the gut. Less residue in the lower gut reduces diarrhea, bloating, gas, and abdominal pain while helping prevent inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Also, the Carnivore Diet avoids oxalates and lectins that could be damaging to the body.
  3. Alters the gut microbiome: A healthy gut microbiome is vital for optimum immune health and reduction of inflammatory diseases.[11] However, altering the gut microbiome may have positive as well as negative effects.[12] Microbial diversity and homeostasis are key to a healthy microbiome.
  4. Supplies pre-digested nutrients: Eating an animal from nose-to-tail provides all the nutrients that support that animal’s health. The nutrients that are consumed by the animal are present in their muscles, fat, cartilage and collagenous parts, and their organs. Eating wild caught or pastured animals from nose-to-tail provides us with all these nutrients, which may be in sufficient quantity and quality for us to thrive.[13]
  5. Creates ketones: A Carnivore Diet will put the body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis will shift the body to burning fat or ketones for energy instead of burning glucose. Cancer cells cannot utilize ketones, but our remaining healthy cells canAs I mentioned above, cancer patients might have significant results from being in a state of ketosis even though there are no controlled, long-term human studies to support this.[14]

My Updated Unconventional Cancer Protocol

I’m going to tweak my Cancer Protocols by replacing my current diet program with the Carnivore Diet along with a few of my modifications. I will follow this eating program for at least 1-2 months to see how my biomarkers react and how I feel. This experiment may become the way I will eat forever going forward. It should be no surprise to you that my ultimate decision maker or breaker will be how I feel. Of course, I will continue with my other integrated cancer protocols daily.

I’ll eat when I’m hungry and drink when I’m thirsty. Although I purchase most of my pastured and wild-caught animal products from neighborhood grocers and local farmers’ markets, I purchase what I can’t find from White Oak Pastures[15] in Georgia or VitalChoice[16] in Washington.

My Carnivore Diet

  • Intermittent fasting, which is part of my current diet – probably easier to do on a Carnivore Diet because proteins and fats are more satiating
  • Pastured animal meats and their healthy fats (including organs like pork and chicken liver, sweetbreads, skin, cartilage and collagenous parts)
  • Wild caught seafood – especially sardines, salmon, shrimp, mussels, and salmon roe
  • Butter or ghee from grass-fed and pastured cattle
  • Raw cheeses
  • Pastured chicken eggs
  • Homemade bone broth
  • Spices, sea salt, and herbs for flavor
  • One cup of organic coffee with raw heavy cream in the morning
  • Freeze-dried Organ Complex[17] and Freeze-Dried Bone Marrow[18] (supplied by Enviromedica from grass-fed cattle in New Zealand)

My Daily Cancer Protocols

  1. To support my gut: I take 2 caps of Megasporebiotic, 2 caps of HU58, 2 caps of RestorFlora, 8 caps of MegaIgG2000, and 1 scoop of MegaPrebiotic mixed with 1 scoop of MegaMucosa in cold water (all products from Microbiome Labs). I also take 2 caps of TerraFlora (from Enviromedica).
  2. To support my bone: I take 6 caps of OsteoVegan (from NuMedica), 4 caps of Megaquinone K2-7 (from Microbiome Labs), and 25,000 IU of Vitamin D3 (from Nutrigold).
  3. To assist killing cancer cells: I take 6 caps of Salvestrol Platinum 2000 (from Salvestrol).
  4. To support my immune system: I take 3 herbal liquid extracts from MediHerb: 5.0 ml of Echinacea Premium 1:2; 2.5 ml of Korean Ginseng 1:2; and 5.0 ml of Astragalus 1:2. Also from MediHerb, I add 5.0 ml of Marshmallow Root 1:5 Glycetract to the 3 herbal liquid extracts for mucous membrane support and as a “sweetener” for the other 3 “bitter” elixirs.
  5. To help repair my mitochondria: I use PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy using the PureWave full-body mat[19] first thing in the morning for 8-minutes at setting “Vital – 10”, afternoon session for 8-minutes at setting “Basis – 10”, in early evening for 8-minutes at setting “Relax – 4”, and at bedtime for 24-minutes at setting “Relax – 1”.
  6. To control pain: I take 600-800mg of ibuprofen only when necessary.
  7. To target specific proteins involved in my cancer, I take 2 human-derived monoclonal antibody immunotherapies: XGEVA injections attack a protein that causes my bones to weaken and inactivates this protein. Darzalex infusions attack a specific protein on the surface of malignant plasma cells and kills them. Along with the Darzalex, I am given premeds (Tylenol, Benadryl, and Decadron) just before the infusion to limit any side effects.
  8. To help prevent colds and flu: I use a Bee Propolis Mouth Spray 4 times a day if I feel any “scratchiness” in my throat (from Beekeeper’s Naturals).
  9. To strengthen my body: Based on the condition of my skeleton, I perform appropriate upper body and lower body exercises several days a week at home. It’s essential for me to avoid any “twisting” motions because of my risk for additional pathological fractures. Also, I walk about one mile outside a few days a week. As my body strengthens, I’ll incorporate a more challenging routine.

That’s it for now. I started the Carnivore Diet on January 1, 2020. My Unconventional Cancer Journey is taking a turn to more experimentation, which is my New Year’s Resolution. This is how I roll.

Up until now, I have had success maintaining my quality of life. Maybe my bone marrow cancer will go into remission, or maybe I can cure this malignancy. Who knows? Certainly, conventional oncologists don’t know. By checking my cancer biomarkers as I progress with the Carnivore Diet, I will know for sure. I’m prepared for all outcomes.